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Atlanta, USA

2024-07-12 12:24:45

72 Received

Seller Type


Project type


Project Duration

168-10 Hour(s)

Project Level




English Level



Hi - I'd like to pay $100 for 70 job applications.  I'm hoping for 350 applications initially - but happy to do much more.  Here are the steps I envision per application:

1. [If the folder does not exist already] Create a Directory for the Company:
a. A, B, C, D…
2. [If it doesn’t already exist] Company Folder in the correct letter directory (A, B, C, etc.)
a. In the company directory, create a directory for the application with the following format:
i. YYYY_MM_DD_Job Title_Job Reference Number
NOTE:  the "Job Reference Number" is *very* important – please be sure to look it up and ensure it is part of the folder name for the job being applied for
3. Save the web page containing the job description as a PDF file to the directory for the job application you have just created
4. Open the generic Resume in "File Location"
5. In ChatGPT, paste the following prompt before (do NOT hit enter yet)
You are an expert resume writer with over 20 years of experience working with job seekers trying to land a role in eCommerce.
Highlight the 3 most important responsibilities in the job description:
6. Copy and paste the job description after the above prompt.  Now hit enter.  Chat GPT should give you 3 top responsibilities.
7. Now paste in the following prompt.  Do not hit enter yet:
Great.  Based on these 3 most important responsibilities from the job description, please tailor my resume for this Program Manager position.  Please include the period of my global travel.  Here's my resume:
8. Now copy and paste the job description after the above prompt, Now Hit Enter.
9. Copy the resulting resume that ChatGPT outputs into an new Word Doc.
10. Ensure the main headings of the new word doc are bolded, etc.
11. Save the new word doc to the new directory you created for this job application, name it "first-name"_"last_name". (do not give it any special reference or naming convention- this new resume from ChatGPT will be uploaded to the company’s job application).
12. Apply for the job using this new resume.
13. Enter the link to the job application in the tracking spreadsheet
Move to the next job posting and application


Project Brief


Project Brief


$80 - $100

Hourly Rate

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Crowe Horwath

Microsoft Word

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