Workwisse - Freelance Marketplace

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75.0 USD 75.00
Instructor Blen Advertising
Last Update 22/07/2024
Completion Time 20 hours 1 minute
Students 1347
  • Section 1:Introductio to Digital Marketing
    • What is Digital Marketing
    • Digital Scholar
    • Skills Required To Become Digital Marketer
    • Reasons Why You Should Learn Digital Marketing
  • Section 2:Various Modules of Digital Marketing
    • Introduction to Search Engine Optimization
    • Introduction to Search Engine Marketing
    • Introduction to Social Media Marketing
    • Introduction to Affiliate Marketing|How To Make Money Online
    • Introduction to Email Marketing
    • Introduction to Inbound Marketing
    • Introduction to Landing Pages and Leadpages Tool
    • Behind the Scenes of a Blog (Blogging to Digital Marketing Journey)
  • Section 3:PracticalDigital Marketing Techniques
    • What is Google Analytics?How to Understand Google Analyticsics
    • Become Social Ready:How to Polish Your LinkedIn Profile
    • Become Social Ready:How to Polish Your Twitter Profile
    • How to Generate Leads on Facebook & Ways to Target Your Audience
    • How to Generate Leads on LinkedIn
    • How to run Ads on Twitter
    • How to Grow Your Instagram Followers
    • How to Use Whatsapp for Business
    • Tools to Ignite Designer In You
    • How to Run LinkedIn In Mail Ads