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Data Structure

Data Structure

Data Structure

75.0 USD 75.00
Last Update 13/08/2024
Completion Time 23 hours 5 minutes
Students 5141
  • Introduction to data science
    • 1. Introduction
  • List
    • 2. Arrary Basics
    • 3. Add Method - Part 1
    • 4. Add Method - part 2
    • 5. Remove Method
    • 6. Unit Testing
    • 7. Code
  • Linked List
    • 8. Linked List Introduction
    • 9. Add Method
    • 10. InsertAt Method
    • 11. Remove Method - Part 1
    • 12. Remove Method - Part 2
    • 13. Code
  • Josephus problem
    • 14.Problem Introduction
    • 15. Solution Implementation
    • 16. Code
  • Stack Data Structure
    • 17. Stack Introduction
    • 18. Uses of Stack
    • 19. Infix to Postfix Conversion
    • 20. Infix to Postfix Implementation - Part 1
    • 21. Infix to Postfix Implementation - Part 2
    • 22. Postfix Evaluation
    • 23. Postfix Expression implementation
    • 24. Code
  • Runtime Analysis
    • 25. Measuring Time Complexity - Part 1
    • 26. Measuring Time Complexity - Part 2
    • 27. Measuring Time Complexity - Part 3
    • 28. Measuring Time Complexity - Part 4
  • Code Analysis
    • 29. Code Analysis - Part 1
    • 30. Code Analysis - Part 2
    • 31. Code Analysis - Part 3
    • Data Structure certification