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Foundations of Front-End Web Development

Foundations of Front-End Web Development

Foundations of Front-End Web Development 

75.0 USD 75.00
Last Update 23/07/2024
Completion Time 14 hours 45 minutes
Students 7789
  • Introdction
    • Befor starting,please read me!
    • Welcome and overview of the Technologies we'll deal with
    • Chrome,the browser we'll use during this course
    • Development tools:The Editor
    • Installing sublime texts 3 (Mac)
    • Installing sublime texts 3 (Windows)
    • Installing sublime texts 3 (Linux)
    • Advanced Topic:Running sublime from the command line(Mac OSX)
    • Advanced topic:Sublime :Adding Support for external plugins
  • HTML Foundations
    • Prologue: How a webserver works
    • What is HTML
    • Structure of a HTML page
    • Structure of a HTML tag
    • Let's start coding.Our first HTML file!!
    • Let's move it to the Cloud with jsBin
    • The HTML page,the Head and the Body
    • Page Titles,Headers and paragraphs
    • Div and span ,block and inline element
    • Quick recap and an introduction to the DOM
  • Semantic HTML
    • More semantic tags:section, article ,header and footer
    • Navigating relationships with the anchor tag
    • Form tags
    • Form tags - continued
    • Presenting a list of elements:the list tags
    • Working with tabular data
    • Displaying images
    • More semantic with Nav and Aside
    • HTML workshop:mini website
  • CSS
    • Foundations of Front-End Web Development Certification