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iOS Development Crash Course - Learn How to Create iOS Apps

iOS Development Crash Course - Learn How to Create iOS Apps

iOS Development Crash Course - Learn How to Create iOS Apps

75.0 USD 75.00
Instructor Atlantic Automation
Last Update 04/02/2024
Completion Time 9 hours 45 minutes
Students 1242
  • Introduction
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Xcode Installation
  • Variables and Constants in Swift
    • 3. Variables and Constants
  • Collections types in Swift
    • 4. Arrays and Arrays Operation in Swift
    • 5. Sets and Tuples in Swift
    • 6. Dictionaries in Swift
  • Operators in Swift
    • 7. How to use Operators in Swift
  • Enumeration in Swift
    • 8. Enums in Swift
  • Control Flow in Swift
    • 9. Conditions in Swift
    • 10. Switch Statements and Range Operators in Swift
    • 11. For Loops and While Loops Construct in Swift
  • Functions
    • 12. How to use Functions in Swift
  • Class and Struct in Swift
    • 13. Struct in Swift
    • 14. Class in Swift
  • Creating a ToDo List iOS Application
    • 15. Learning the Xcode Environment and Setting up the TableView
    • 16. Adding Items in the TableView
    • 17. Deleting Items From the TableView
  • Conclusion
    • 18. Bonus Lecture
    • iOS Development Crash Course - Learn How to Create iOS Apps Certification