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Learn how to make great data visualizations in Excel

Learn how to make great data visualizations in Excel

Learn how to make great data visualizations in Excel 

75.0 USD 75.00
Instructor Botanalytics
Last Update 24/07/2024
Completion Time 12 hours 45 minutes
Students 2013
  • Section 1:Intro
    • Introduction
  • Section 2:Prepartion
    • Prepping your Data
    • Cleaning and Organizing data with Vlookups
  • Section 3:Graphing your data
    • Choosing the right graph
    • Lets graph
    • Formatting your graph
    • Changing graph styles
    • Changing a graph colors
    • Using your graphs outside the Excel
  • Section 4:Special Styles
    • Creating a graph in 'The Economist' style
    • Creating a graph in 'Five Thirty Eight' style
  • Section 5:Wrapup
    • Course Takeaways
    • Learn how to make great data visualizations in Excel Certification