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SEO Training Course

SEO Training Course

SEO Training Course

75.0 USD 75.00
Instructor AdLaunch
Last Update 18/01/2024
Completion Time 9 hours 45 minutes
Students 3341
  • SEO Strategy Development
    • 1. What does an SEO do in their day-to-day work?
    • 2. How to craft remarkable SEO strategy for 2017
    • 3. SEO Strategy Audit in 5 Steps
    • 4. How to create demand for sites with little or no search volume
    • 5. Creating a Customer Journey Map
  • Site Audits and Structure
    • 6. Kickstart an SEO Site Audit for your Startup
    • 7. Controlling Indexing for better Search Engine Ranks
    • 8. Subfolders vs. Subdomains
  • Keyword Research Basics
    • 9. Step by Step process for discovering, prioritizing keywords
    • 10. How to Build a Killer Content to Keyword Map
  • On-page SEO Fundamentals
    • 11. 8 Principles of a great on page SEO strategy
    • 12. How to Optimize for Competitors' Branded Keywords
  • Link Building and Off-page SEO
    • 13. The Rules of Link Building
    • 14. Targeted Link Building in 2016
    • 15. 20 Attributes that Influence a Link's Value
  • SERP Features(a.k.a. Features Snippets)
    • 16. How to Appear in Google's Answer Boxes
  • Reporting on SEO
    • 17. How to convert client goals into reportable metrics
    • 18. How to prove the ROI of content campaigns
    • SEO Training Certification