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Social media marketing for Beginners

Social media marketing for Beginners

Social media marketing for Beginners  

75.0 USD 75.00
Instructor Blen Advertising
Last Update 23/07/2024
Completion Time 19 hours 45 minutes
Students 5031
  • Section 1:What is Social Media Marketing
    • What is Social Media Marketing?
    • Use the provided handouts
  • Section 2:Create Social Media Strategy
    • Produce an actionable social media Strategy
    • Focus on social media measurement
    • Develop marketing personas for your audience
    • Hire a social media manager
  • Section 3:Choose the right social networks
    • Community based social media networks
    • Discovery-focused social media platforms
    • Social messaging apps
    • Review sites and discussion forums
  • Section 4:Publish Engaging Social Media Content
    • Create organic content for social media
    • Produce engaging paid social campaigns
    • Humanize your content
  • Section 5:Interact with customers
    • Embrace social media listening and monitoring
    • Proactive engagement to earn attention
    • Reactive engagement for customer service
  • Section 6:Foster Social Media Partnerships
    • Coordinate teams with a social media policy
    • Set up successful creator campaigns
    • Experiment beyond best practices in social
    • Social media marketing for Beginners Certification